Lobster Pots

Lobster pots work by luring lobsters, using bait, into the funnelled entrance of the trap. Due to the funnel trapped lobsters have difficulty escaping the pot.

Modern pots, including those manufactured by Celtic Creels, are made of steel and are coated in a protective layer to prevent corrosion from the harsh sea including marine life such as Barnacles.

Lobster pots have come a long way from their beginnings in the early 1800s. Back then pots were made from Willow, their design meant lobsters could frequently escape, a problem that was later solved with the introduction of the traditional parlour pot design.

The traditional parlour lobster pot design makes it very difficult for lobsters to escape once they have entered. Lobsters will enter through the funnel, whether that be from the top or side, then they will pass through a mesh funnel leading them into the parlour chamber. When inside, getting out of the parlour section is near impossible for the lobsters.

Due to the difficulties in escaping a traditional parlour lobster pot they can be left to fish for longer without so much worry of escapees, they leads to larger hauls.

There are conservation protocols in place which try to prevent the capture of juvenile lobsters, because of this, the parlour chamber will tend to have a small escape gap. Such that small lobsters can escape and the larger lobsters, that the fisherman will want to keep, stays trapped.

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